India china border tension latest update

India china Border conflict Latest updates 

On monday night 20 Indian soldiers were killed in a clash with Chinese troops in Galwan valley.

Both countries on this incident- 
India- On Tuesday stated three soldiers including one officer died in clash with Chinese troops. 
Later on officials stated that 17 indian soldiers who were injured died due to their critical injuries. That makes 20 indian soldiers martyred in faceoff with china. 

China - As always is not confirming any casualties. But china is giving warnings to India.

Zhao Lijian (Chinese foreign ministry spokesman) stated "provoking and attacking Chinese troops resulting in serious physical confrontation between border forces on the two sides ". 

Indian army also confirmed no bullets were fired during faceoff. 
Prime minister Narendra Modi announced all party meeting on 19th of June and said sacrifices of soldiers will not go in vain.  


USA is monitoring India china situation along LAC using military satellites. 

China is not revealing number of troops killed during faceoff.
According to US intelligence 35 Chinese troops (including one officer )were killed during India china faceoff. And india stated 20 Indian soldiers were killed during clash.

U.S. on peaceful resolution 
Three major U.S. Aircraft carriers are patrolling near Pacific Ocean.
Three Aircraft carriers of U.S. are USS Theodore Roosevelt, USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan. This is warning to China. 
USS Theodore is operating towards Guam, USS Nimitz is operating in Pacific of US west coast and USS Ronald Reagan operating in Philippine Sea. 


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